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In January I received a message from my former NOHA colleague Kerry from Stockholm asking me if I'd like to come to Schweden in the summer to photograph his family of four. To say that I was excited is an understatement - I was speechless! Turns out they opted for a weekend trip to Berlin instead and in May we had a lovely family shooting at the fairy tale fountain at Volkspark Friedrichshain. It was such a delight seeing him again and meeting his little family for the first time. As luck would have it they had coincidentally booked a hotel right across from the Volkspark's main entrance.
We met in the early morning, the sun was out, the location was just perfect and their outfits looked wonderful, too. We had a very relaxed photo session at Berlin's oldest public parque playing with the boys by the fountain and enjoying the calm Saturday morning. One of the cutest moments was when a little bird visited our picnic blanket (handmade by Quiltive) to pick raisins from our hands.
Im Januar bekam ich eine Nachricht von meinem ehemaligen Studienkollegen Kerry aus dem NOHA Masterprogramm. Er lebte mittlerweile mit seiner kleinen Familie in Stockholm und wollte mich gerne im Sommer für ein Familienshooting in Schweden buchen. Ich war sprachlos und überglücklich! Letztlich haben sie sich für einen spontanen Kurztrip nach Berlin entschieden und an einem Samstag im Mai hatten wir ein zauberhaftes Familienshooting am Märchenbrunnen im Volkspark Friedrichshain. Wie es der Zufall wollte, hatten sie ein Hotel genau gegenüber vom Parkeingang gebucht, sodass sie sogar zu Fuß zum Shooting spazieren konnten. Und das in Berlin!
Wir trafen uns früh am morgen kurz nachdem das Tor zum Märchenbrunnen aufgeschlossen wurde, die Sonne schien, es war warm, die Location ganz wunderbar und die vier sahen umwerfend aus. Wir hatten ein ganz entspanntes Fotoshooting in Berlin's ältestem öffentlichen Park, bei dem uns sogar kleine Spatzen Rosinen aus der Hand gepickt haben.
Handgemachte Patchwork-Quiltdecke von Quiltive
“I could not have been more pleased with our photo session with Leni. She expertly curated our experience from choosing an excellent location, showing patience and skill in capturing a very active one year old, and providing an opportunity for my family to ‘just be us’. The results of the shoot are outstanding and the photos will become a part of our family history. I would absolutely recommend Leni to anyone seeking a photographer who is dedicated to her craft, has an eye for detail, and an appreciation for capturing her subjects in natural comfortable settings that closest reflect everyday life. I wish we could import her to Stockholm so we could make this an annual event!”
Noch mehr Familienshootings ...